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Case Study: Rapid Changes in Bushing Health

Continuous online monitoring of bushings provides real-time information which can result in the early detection of a possible failure.

Challenge: A Major Alarm
A prominent U.S. utility was looking for a way to improve system reliability for their 138kV assets. They researched and reviewed options available on the market that included affordable bushing monitoring. After review, the utility chose to pilot the Dynamic Ratings’ C50 Transformer Monitor to see if it was worth the...

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Labor Shortage Threatens to Stall Clean Energy Boom

New York, NY - The burgeoning renewable energy sector faces an unexpected hurdle – resistance from some rural communities across the United States. While many areas embrace the environmental and economic benefits of wind and solar farms, others are raising concerns about potential downsides,...

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Smart Grid

Smart Grid, Smart Metering, T&D Automation

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Community Renewable Energy and Reliable Service

This past winter, extreme weather cost the United States more than $5 billion in property damage, closed businesses and travel disruptions. Early indications also forecast a viciously cold winter for the 2015-16 season. With this extreme weather, many assume they will suffer power loss. In fact, a...

Louisiana Industries Push for Faster Renewable Energy Transition

Louisiana, known for its robust oil and gas industry, is experiencing a significant shift as some of its largest industries express frustration over delays in the state’s renewable energy transition. These major players are pushing for accelerated development and implementation of renewable energy solutions to align with broader climate goals and economic aspirations. Their push reflects a growing recognition of the benefits of renewable energy and a desire to mitigate the impacts of climate change while staying competitive in a rapidly evolving energy market.

The Current Landscape

Louisiana’s economy has historically been dominated by fossil fuels, particularly oil and natural...